Fighting a Battle Alone: Experiences of COVID-19 Survivors of Mandatory Isolation

Keywords: Mental health, Isolation, COVID-19, Descriptive phenomenology, Philippines


This study determined the experiences of the COVID-19 survivors during their mandatory isolation. Descriptive phenomenology is the research design used in the study. Snowball sampling was utilized to determine the 24 participants of the study. The data was gathered through an online semi-structured interview conducted via Google Meet and Zoom, two video communication applications. Thematic analysis was utilized to develop themes based on the responses from the COVID-19 survivors who served as participants. The study generated four themes with twelve sub-themes. The study revealed that mental health impacts how the participants perceive, feel, behave, and perform, as well as how they plan, handle stress, and interact with others. The participants' mental health has been compromised because of the mandatory isolation, and they expressed a wide range of psychological emotions, including stress, fear, anxiety, and loneliness, that may impact their mental health. Daily communication and entertainment, an optimistic mindset, and praying regularly are the coping mechanisms identified in the study. Coping mechanisms were developed to determine the activities made by the participants to mitigate the impact of mandatory isolation on their mental health. Furthermore, the study also recommends that future researchers must explore the mental health of a larger group of isolated individuals.

How to Cite
Ragpala, E. M. (2022). Fighting a Battle Alone: Experiences of COVID-19 Survivors of Mandatory Isolation. Philippine Social Science Journal, 5(3), 58-73.