Quality of Practice Teaching Assignments as Experienced by Students Teachers of Silliman University

Keywords: Education, Student Practice Teaching, Comparative Research Design, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines


This paper compared on-campus and off-campus practice teaching experience of 49 baccalaureate students in Elementary and Secondary Education of Silliman University College of Education. A self-administered questionnaire, the revised Student Teacher Assessment on the Silliman University Student Teaching Program, was the main data gathering instrument used. The Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Rank Test showed that there was no significant difference in the student teachers’ ratings of their on-campus and off-campus experiences.  The same findings were noted on the challenges they have encountered and the recommendations they have posited, namely: classroom management and mentors’ support and relationship.  Further, the findings revealed that classroom management and mentors’ support and relationship were their top two challenges.  The student teachers strongly recommended that support for student teaching be improved especially in terms of mentors’ support and scheduling.  In addition, they strongly recommended that they are pre-observed by their supervisors before their final student teaching demonstration. 

How to Cite
Lacdo-o , B. R. (2019). Quality of Practice Teaching Assignments as Experienced by Students Teachers of Silliman University. Philippine Social Science Journal, 2(1), 53-67. https://doi.org/10.52006/main.v2i1.74